Thursday, February 10, 2011

That damn Barnes and Noble

Christopher Kimball sent me to with a mere "My 10 Favorite Cookbooks" email. Like definitely! Indeed the new Crystal Bowersox CD would make a wonderful self-present,...for Valentine's Day?

Of course I had to stop by toys to see which delights I could find for Taylor, my about-to-turn nine year old daughter. And I'm passing up the I Love You tree? Made of Shrinky Dinks! There's an Easter version which is equally nostalgic and trendy (raising mine to be artists). Had to remind myself to wait on the Scholastic, Inc Style Studio, another brilliant toy birthed by Klutz. Maybe in June.

Speaking of about-to-be thirteen year old fashion designing daughters, and presents, and planning ahead like attentive mothers should...paint by number cupcakes would be just right for her. And ten dollars I can afford!

1 comment:

Kim said...

That tree is so cute! Want!

I bought my fourteen year-old a magic aqua sand kit for Christmas. I even let her play with it sometimes.